Set up Azure test environment

The aegir-webhook-dev-vm project provides example code for setting up a live Aegir webhook test environment with a scale set in Azure. Please note this example is not production-ready.

Features of the example code include:

  • Creation of images (using Packer and Ansible) for both the webpack nodes and the Aegir server.
  • Deployment of the Aegir server and a webpack node scale set, using Azure CLI tools.



Steps to set up the test environment

1. Start in the azure directory:
$ cd aegir-webhooks-dev-vm/azure
2. Create a .secret/azure-secret.json file with the following 4 pieces of information in it:
  "tenant_id": "<YOUR TENANT ID HERE>",
  "client_id": "<YOUR CLIENT ID HERE>",
  "client_secret": "<YOUR CLIENT SECRET HERE>",
  "subscription_id": "<YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ID HERE>"
3. Build the Aegir server image:
make aegir-image

This step uses Packer to build a VM image in Azure that stops short of the “Site Install” stage (which has to be done per-server). It also creates an SSH key for the aegir user, which it downloads into the .secret directory.

4. Build webpack node image:
make minion-image

This step uses Packer to build a VM image in Azure, using the consensus.aegir-minion Ansible role. It also inserts the Aegir server SSH key from the previous step into the minion aegir user’s authorized_keys.

5. Deploy the Aegir server:
make aegir-server

This provisions a server based on the Aegir server image created above in step 3. It finishes the Aegir hostmaster site install, enables extra modules, and should output a login link when done. You can repeat this step should you ever need to rebuild the Aegir server.

6. Build the Scale Set:
make scaleset

Creates a scale set with public IP per VM, using the webpack node image created in step 4 above. Ensure you navigate to the Azure front-end and verify your scale set has been created. In particular, ensure it is set to auto-scale (not manual).

Next Steps

You are now ready to:

Optionally, you may also explore other make targets available in the example code.