The Azure example test environment makes available the following GNU Make targets (refer to the example makefile):
make aegir-image
: Use Packer to build an Aegir server VM image in Azure that stops short of the “Site Install” stage (which has to be done per-server). If the Aegir server image already exists. forcibly recreate it. Also create an SSH key for the aegir user, which is downloaded into the .secret
make minion-image
: Use Packer to build a minion webpack node VM image in Azure, using the consensus.aegir-minion Ansible role. If the minion image exists, forcibly recreate it. Also insert the Aegir server SSH key from the .secret
directory into the minion aegir
user’s authorized_keys
within the image.
make aegir-server
: Provision a server based on the Aegir server image.
make scaleset
: Create a scale set with public IP per VM, using the minion webpack node image.
make provision-aegir-server
: Only provision, do not configure, the Aegir server. Useful for troubleshooting.
make configure-aegir-server
: Only configure and already-provisioned Aegir server. Useful for troubleshooting.
make clean-aegir-server
: Delete the Aegir server VM.
make clean-scaleset
: Delete the scaleset.
make clean
: Careful! Delete everything.