Working Around a Lack of Autoloading

Drupal 7, upon which Aegir 3 is built, does not natively support PHP autoloading, as we see in Drupal 8+. As such, object-oriented programming is somewhat more cumbersome.

This mostly just come down to manually loading traits and classes before they are used. For the simplest example, let’s look at BaseProcessor:

 * @file
 * Processor plugin class.

namespace HostingWebhooks;

/* Load classes and/or traits. */
include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'hosting_webhooks') . '/src/ProcessorTrait.php';

use \HostingWebhooks\ProcessorTrait;

 * Base class for Hosting Webhooks Processors.
abstract class BaseProcessor implements \Webhook_Plugins_Processor_Interface {

  use ProcessorTrait;


This line includes the proper file for the ProcessorTrait:

/* Load classes and/or traits. */
include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'hosting_webhooks') . '/src/ProcessorTrait.php';

We do this throughout the codebase, whenever a class or trait uses or extends another.